Please submit all writing as a Word document.

Be sure to remove your name from all submission files, including pagination, headers and footers, and the file name itself.

Citations--if any--must be Chicago Style with footnotes (not parenthetical in-text citations).

AI-Generated work of any kind - written or artwork - will not be accepted

Failure to meet these guidelines will result in ineligibility for consideration.

Beyond Memoirs Contest:

We at Hindsight Creative Nonfiction Journal are hosting another writing competition. This competition's theme is Beyond Memoirs. We know creative nonfiction can be bogged down in personal narrative and we wanted to shake things up. For this competition, we are accepting all prose pieces that are not memoirs. We encourage writers to make us laugh, cry, and think about the larger picture your stories represent. This contest is limited to current undergraduate students enrolled at the University of Colorado Boulder. The deadline for this competition is January 31st.  First place will be awarded 300 dollars, second place will be awarded 200 dollars, and all other participants will be considered for publication. Previous submissions that meet these requirements and have not been rejected will be placed into automatic consideration.

You must include your CU Boulder email in the submission to be considered.

Written Submissions Guidelines

  1. All submissions are free.
  2. All submissions must be creative nonfiction. We fact-check all writing.
  3. We consider all work for Print or Online publication, including podcasts. The deadline for annual print issues is each Fall for publication in the Spring. Submissions after that deadline will be considered for the next Print issue, or Online.
  4. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere, through Submittable, and pull the piece. We publish only previously unpublished work and obtain First North American Serial Rights: all rights revert to you as soon as we publish your work first. We may then republish or excerpt your work unless you request that we not do so.
  5. ONE piece per submission. Submissions containing collections or multiple titles will not be considered.
  6. Please remove your name from your submission and file name to ensure an anonymous and fair selection process for all writing submissions.
  7. Submissions must be in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double spaced. Indicate space breaks, if any, with a hashtag: #
  8. Submissions must be sent as a Word file (.doc or .docx).
  9. All citations, if any, must be done in Chicago footnote style.
  10. AI-generated submissions will be rejected.

Submission Requirements


  1. Please remove your name from your submission and file name (including first age with title, headers, and pagination) to ensure an anonymous selection process for all writing submissions. If your writing includes an identifiable name for you (beyond simply a common first name, etc.) please replace with "MY NAME" and we will restore your name in editing if accepting your piece for publication.
  2. We welcome submissions from everyone except current teaching faculty at the University of Colorado Boulder.
  3. We only publish creative nonfiction writing, fact-checking as necessary. 
  4. Submissions must be climate change-oriented (broadly construed).
  5. Submissions must be in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double spaced. Indicate space breaks, if any, with a hashtag: #.
  6. Submissions must be sent as a Word file (.doc or .docx). Do not submit PDFs.
  7. All citations, if any, must be done in Chicago footnote style.
  8. AI-generated submissions will be rejected. 
  9. All submissions are free.
  10. ONE piece per submission. Submissions containing collections or multiple titles will not be considered.
  11. We consider all work for Print or Online publication, including podcasts. The deadline for annual print issues is each Spring for publication in the Fall. Submissions after that deadline will be considered for the next Print issue, or Online.
  12. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere, through Submittable, and pull the piece. We publish only previously unpublished work and obtain First North American Serial Rights: all rights revert to you as soon as we publish your work first. We may then republish or excerpt your work unless you request that we not do so.

Written Submissions


  1. Please remove your name from your submission and file name to ensure an anonymous selection process for all writing submissions.
  2. Submissions must be in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, single spaced, with an extra space indicating any stanza breaks.
  3. Submissions must be sent as a Word file (.doc or .docx). Do not submit PDFs.
  4. All citations, if any, must be done in Chicago footnote style.
  5. All submissions are free.
  6. Submissions must be climate change-oriented (broadly construed).
  7. ONE piece per submission. Submissions containing collections or multiple titles will not be considered.
  8. We consider all work for Print or Online publication, including podcasts. The deadline for annual print issues is each Spring for publication in the Fall. Submissions after that deadline will be considered for the next Print issue, or Online.
  9. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere, through Submittable, and pull the piece. We publish only previously unpublished work and obtain First North American Serial Rights: all rights revert to you as soon as we publish your work first. We may then republish or excerpt your work unless you request that we not do so.
  10. AI-generated submissions will be rejected.


Written Submissions Guidelines

  1. All submissions are free.
  2. All submissions must be creative nonfiction. We fact-check all writing.
  3. We consider all work for Print or Online publication, including podcasts. The deadline for annual print issues is each Fall for publication in the Spring. Submissions after that deadline will be considered for the next Print issue, or Online.
  4. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere, through Submittable, and pull the piece. We publish only previously unpublished work and obtain First North American Serial Rights: all rights revert to you as soon as we publish your work first. We may then republish or excerpt your work unless you request that we not do so.
  5. ONE piece per submission. Submissions containing collections or multiple titles will not be considered.
  6. Please remove your name from your submission and file name to ensure an anonymous and fair selection process for all writing submissions.
  7. Submissions must be in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double spaced. Indicate space breaks, if any, with a hashtag: #
  8. Submissions must be sent as a Word file (.doc or .docx).
  9. All citations, if any, must be done in Chicago footnote style.
  10. AI-generated submissions will be rejected.

Written Submissions

  1. Please remove your name from your submission and file name to ensure an anonymous selection process for all writing submissions.
  2. Submissions must be in Times New Roman 12 pt. font, single spaced, with an extra space indicating any stanza breaks.
  3. Submissions must be sent as a Word file (.doc or .docx). Do not submit PDFs.
  4. All citations, if any, must be done in Chicago footnote style.
  5. All submissions are free.
  6. All submissions must be creative nonfiction. We fact-check all writing. We regard poetry as a genre of form, not of content, with strong poetry potentially including "fiction." We only publish creative nonfiction, however, whether in forms of prose or poetry.
  7. ONE piece per submission. Submissions containing collections or multiple titles will not be considered.
  8. We consider all work for Print or Online publication, including podcasts. The deadline for annual print issues is each Spring for publication in the Fall. Submissions after that deadline will be considered for the next Print issue, or Online.
  9. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere, through Submittable, and pull the piece. We publish only previously unpublished work and obtain First North American Serial Rights: all rights revert to you as soon as we publish your work first. We may then republish or excerpt your work unless you request that we not do so.
  10. AI-generated submissions will be rejected.
  1. All submissions are free.
  2. We consider all work for Print or Online publication (including podcasts) and for marketing purposes in Print and Online in perpetuity.
  3. We accept multiple submissions — send separately as much as you like.
  4. We accept simultaneous submissions, but please notify us immediately by withdrawing the piece from Submittable if your work is accepted elsewhere.
  5. We publish only unpublished work and obtain First North American Serial Rights: all rights revert to you as soon as we publish your work first. We may then republish your work unless you request that we not do so.
  6. Do not use this category for submitting comics or other work with significant writing. Only submit visual art here.
  7. All submissions must be sent as .png or .jpg files, formatted to 300 dpi or greater.
  8. AI submissions will not be accepted.

Disclaimer: Hindsight Staff reserves the right to alter artwork during our formatting process (flipping, mirroring, etc.). All edits are subject to artist approval.

Disclaimer: Hindsight and its various publications pair art pieces with our amazing writing submissions. By submitting this piece, you agree to allow Hindsight to pair this artwork with a writing submission of our choosing. Please let us know if you prefer text overlays are not put over your piece.

Hindsight Creative Nonfiction